Data Files
Unzipped Files by Module
- Chapter 8 — Data-Driven Models
- Module 8.3 — Empirical Models
Description File | Data File | Where Used |
BoxBODEM.txt | BoxBODEM.dat | Project 9 |
DanWoodEM.txt | DanWoodEM.dat | "Non-Linear One-Term Model" |
FilipEM.txt | FilipEM.dat | "Multi-term Models" |
Gauss1EM.txt | Gauss1EM.dat | Project 5 |
Lanczos1EM.txt | Lanczos1EM.dat | Project 7 |
Lanczos3EM.txt | Lanczos3EM.dat | Project 4 |
MGH10EM.txt | MGH10EM.dat | Project 8 |
MGH17EM.txt | MGH17EM.dat | Project 6 |
Misra1aEM.txt | Misra1aEM.dat | "Solving for y in a One-Term Model" |
NoInt1EM.txt | NoInt1EM.dat | Project 1 |
NorrisEM.txt | NorrisEM.dat | "Linear Empirical Model", Exercise 1 |
PontiusEM.txt | PontiusEM.dat | Project 2 |
Wampler1EM.txt | Wampler1EM.dat | Project 3 |
- Chapter 9 — Random Walk Simulations
- Module 9.5 — Random Walk
- AverageDistances.dat
- Chapter 11 — Agent-Based Modeling
- Module 11.2 — Agents of Interaction: Steering a Dangerous Course
- AverageDistances.dat
- Chapter 13 — Matrix Models
- Module 13.2 — Matrices for Population Studies: Linked for Life
- cell_trajectory_file.txt
- cell_types_file.txt
- cell_vel_file.txt
- Chapter 14 — Additional Cellular Automata, Agent Based, and Matrix Projects
- Module 14.14 — Computational Code-Breaking: Deciphering Our Own Mysteries
- PAM1.dat
- freq.dat
- ProbabilitiesHuman.txt
- cell_trajectory_file.txt
- AE005174v2.txt
- Escherichia_coli_O157H7_plasmid_pO157.txt